1 | The website is using responsive web design. |
2 | If IDs are used, they are unique to a page. |
3 | A CSS reset (reset, normalize or reboot) is used and up to date. |
4 | Avoid at all cost embedding CSS in <style> tags or using inline CSS. |
5 | CSS files are concatenated in a single file. |
6 | CSS files are minified. |
7 | CSS files need to be non-blocking to prevent the DOM from taking time to load. |
8 | All pages were tested with the correct breakpoints. |
9 | CSS validator. |
10 | All pages were tested on all current desktop browsers (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, EDGE…). |
11 | All pages were tested on all current mobile browsers (Native browser, Chrome, Safari…). |
12 | All pages were tested on all current OS (Windows, Android, iOS, Mac…). |
13 | Use Hex color codes #000 unless using rgba(). |
14 | Avoid absolute positioning. |
15 | Do not animate width, height, top, left and others. Use transform instead. |
16 | Avoid !important. |
17 | Only standard media queries are used. |
18 | Follow two tabs indentation. |
19 | Give proper spaces between brace brackets, colon etc. |
20 | Use three value hex code wherever possible for eg. #000000 -> #000. |
21 | Avoid ID usage for css styling purpose if possible. |
22 | Use shorthand wherever applicable. |
23 | Try reusing css code whenever applicable. |
24 | Avoid unwanted decimal points usage for matching font-sizes. |
25 | Use vendor prefixes. |
26 | Add box commenting for difference between main sections(Header, main, footer, and media queries) and normal commenting between sections. |
27 | Avoid unnecessary increase in specificity. Do not use important to override. (Avoid more than 4 nesting elements). |
28 | Avoid units for 0 such as 0px or 0% etc. Also avoid using trailing zero example 0.4, 0.9 etc. |
29 | Single line styling should be on the same line and should be merged i.e. there should be no spaces between them. Eg: .heading { color: red; } |