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PM Training Template

Part 1 - Company Overview - Policies, Setup, History, Mission, Vision

WEEK 1 - Day 1:

  1. Get access from the HR team to the required folders/doc from GDrive and Wiki - (0.5 hours)

    • WORK (PUBLIC) folder will be shared by HR and other necessary docs.
    • Wiki to be shared by HR
  2. Setting Up Your PC - (0.5 hour)

  3. Read Axioned Employee Handbook - (1 hour)

  4. Services & Capabilities (1 hour)

  5. Communication Guidelines (1.5 hour)

  6. Further PM related educational documents can be found here-

  7. Axioned_PROJECT FOLDER STRUCTURE - (0.5 hour)

  8. Axioned_HL EXECUTION WORKFLOW - (1 hour)

Buddy sign-off - (0.5 hours)

Part 2 - Know Your Department:

WEEK 1 - Day 2:

  1. How to Work with Me (0.5 hours)

  2. Axioned_Inbox Management - (0.5 hours)

  3. Axioned_BALLPARK ESTIMATE - (1.5 hours)

  4. Axioned_Templates_SOW/Agreements/Terms - (2.5 hours)

    • Sample Agreements: Agreement Types Included:
    • The Economist Group (TEG) Standard Agreement
    • Axioned SOW_New Clients
    • Project Brief
    • Maintenance/Enhancement Agreements
    • If unsure which template to follow- See this guideline doc -

Practical #1 - (1.5 hours)

  • Fill Out the HTWwM document for yourself.
  • Here’s the designs -
  • Prepare the Estimate.
  • Make a Project Brief by using Proposal template.
  • Send a formal mail to your buddy and CC [email protected] and mention all the details within the mail with the a) estimate b) timeline/schedule c) question if you have any.
  • Logged your hours yet?

Buddy sign-off - (0.5 hours)- If you have not been asked to shadow any PM yet, please ask your buddy about it.

WEEK 1 - Day 3:

More Good to Know(s)!

  1. Axioned_[PROJECT NAME]_DESIGN/UX Q&A - (1 hour)

  2. INVISION - (2 hours)

  3. SEO PAGE STRUCTURE (1.25 hours)

  4. Project Group Email ID Setup (0.5 hours)

  5. Estimation Process- (0.5 hours)

  6. Website Guidelines (0.5 hours)

  7. Kick off call Guidelines (0.5 hours)

  8. Project Management Framework (0.75 hours)

  9. SBAR Document

WBS - (1 hour)

Practical #2 - (2 hours)

  • Review the designs -
  • Make a ballpark estimate for the Landing page with the help of design.
  • Make a SOW by using the template.
  • Draft an email and send it to your buddy and CC [email protected] and mention all the details within the mail with the a) estimate b) timeline/schedule c) question/assumption if you have any.
  • Assume that you are sending this mail to the client.
  • Tip: Your mail should be well formatted.
  • Create a WBS
  • Note: Once your practical is over, please inform your buddy via slack channel.

Practical #3 - (3 hours)

  • Establish a ballpark estimate for a Static one-page website. (2 hours)
  • Establish a ballpark estimate for CMS (preferred CMS - WordPress) - homepage of the given website. (2 hours)
  • Here’s the designs -
  • Note: Once your practical is over, please inform your buddy via slack channel.

Buddy sign-off - (0.5 hours)

WEEK 1 - Day 4:

Readings for the day!

Practical #4 - (2 hours)

  • Visit this website Name all the functionalities that are present. (screenshots can be helpful for references. If you want you can take a screenshot of that functionality and place in the doc to show the functionality, by all means!)
  • Create a doc and write all the functionality.
  • Note: Once your practical is over, please inform your buddy via the slack channel.

Shadow PM- (1.5 Hours)

Buddy Sign off - (0.5 hour)

WEEK 1 - Day 5 (You’ve made, Great Progress!):

Few more Good Reads!

  1. Retrospective (1 hour)

  2. Content Population Tips (0.5 Hours)

  3. Google Analytics (1 hour)

  4. Escalation Guidelines (0.5 hours)

  5. Axioned’s Creative Process (1 hour):

  6. The producer playbook (0.5 hour):

Practical #6 - (3 hours):

  • Review the inputs added here:
  • Tech-Stack Expectations (static website): React/Gatsby Contentful HTML/CSS/JS
  • Based on the above, prepare Estimate & Proposal:
  • Note: Once your practical is over, please inform your buddy via the slack channel.

Shadow PM - (1.5 hour)

Buddy sign-off - (0.5 hour)

WEEK 1 - Day 6 (This is the end to a NEW Beginning):

Practical #7 - (3 hours)

  • Review
  • Certain blogs/articles on UNOPS are multilingual. Can you:
  • Create a ballpark estimate
  • Prepare a sample content matrix for efficient project management.
  • Prepare a Proposal and WBS

Practical #8 - (2 hours)

Shadow PM - (1 hour)

Practical #9 - (0.5 hour)

  • Draft and share an email (internally) a weekly progress update for the all the projects you have been shadowing

Buddy sign-off - (1 hour)


  • Important references (One Stop Document to all Template) Axioned Project Management : Templates
  • Shadowing on project for 2 - 4 weeks
  • In Google Drive, Seach folder “ED. MATERIALS: PROJECT & PRODUCT MANAGERS (Work/Public)”