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Shared adventure

  • Everyone can and is expected to make an impact beyond their individual assignments.
  • Each one of you can help shape us the direction we take as a company.
  • One of our core values is, Help First, and we are driven by mutual success.
  • Opportunities to contribute are boundless but may not be clearly defined.
  • We don’t believe in micromanaging someone’s growth. If you want towards something specific, speak up and we do our best (and work with you) to find a way.

Iteration at heart

  • For most things in life, there is no such thing as “done”.
  • Think of everything we do through the lense of “minimum viable change”.
  • Always strive to work iteratively, quickly, putting it front of others - all before it is done.
  • Changes or interations are best anchored to shorter timescale (few hours instead of days, days instead of weeks).
  • Put things in front of your team, your customers, and work with them to iterate and improve.
  • Everything is iterable - from code, documentation, processes, or even meetings. Don’t do things just because someone told you to do it that way.

Fostering Workplace Respect

  • At Axioned, maintaining a respectful and professional environment is non-negotiable.
  • Teasing, even if meant in good humor, can easily cross the line into bullying.
  • Before making a comment - that’s directed at an individual or group of people - ask yourself:
    • If you’re not 150% sure that the person(s) your comment is about is also going to find it funny, do not say it.
    • Would you feel 150% comfortable in asking the person directly - one on one - in advance - “are you okay if I tease you about xxx?” If you can’t see yourself doing this, don’t do it.
    • Laughing and jokes in the office are fine - but never be at the expense of another person/group of people.
  • Let our actions continue to showcase that we are all responsible and respectful adults. We can all continuously improve in this area.