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NodeJS Training Template


Node.js has a vast ecosystem of libraries and modules, which can be easily installed using the Node Package Manager (NPM). It is commonly used to build web applications, real-time applications, APIs, and command-line tools. Node.js is also used for data streaming, microservices architecture, and building Internet of Things (IoT) applications. NodeJS documentation link can be found here


Sr No.TopicsEfforts (in hrs)
1Web Server
  1. What is Web Server
  2. Web Application Architecture
2Basic Introduction
  1. What is NodeJs and its architecture
  2. REPL Terminal
  3. Features:
3Node Server + modules
  1. What is NPM
    (npm commands: init, config, version, install, uninstall, publish)
  2. package.json
  3. Some Inbuilt modules:
  4. Global Objects
<mark style={{display: ‘block’, padding: ‘inherit’, background: ‘#ffeb3b52’ }}>1st Task
Office management System Using REPL
4ExpressJS Framework
  1. what is framework? Compare express with others
  2. What is Express.js & Advantages
  3. Install & create simple node server
  4. What is middleware
  5. Types of middleware
  6. How middleware works
  7. Implement middleware
  8. Express Routing
  9. Express Request & Response
  10. Forms, Cookies, Sessions ?
<mark style={{display: ‘block’, padding: ‘inherit’, background: ‘#ffeb3b52’}}>2nd Task
User management system using Node Server APIs with JSON file
  1. Introduction
  2. Difference between SQL & noSQL
  3. setup of mongodb
  4. Difference between SQL - entity & noSQL - entity
  5. mongodb GUI (Robo3T OR mongo-compass)
  6. Basic queries
  7. Operators:
    • Query & projection (Comparison, Logical operators) operators
    • Update operators
6Node(Express Framework) + Mongoose
  1. ODM vs ORM
  2. Introduction mongoose ODM
  3. Advantages & DisAdv.
  4. Mongoose some props:
    • Schema
    • model
    • db connection
    • data-type
    • properties of data-type
    • hooks
    • indexes
  5. nodejs + express-js + mongoose
  6. CRUD APIs + Basic queries
  7. Nodejs folder structure using express + DB
  8. Operators:
    • Query & projection (Comparison, Logical operators) operators
    • Update operators
  9. Aggregation
<mark style={{display: ‘block’, padding: ‘inherit’, background: ‘#ffeb3b52’ }}>3rd Task
7Others Modules
  1. JWT tokens
  2. happi-joi
  3. Swagger documentation
<mark style={{display: ‘block’, padding: ‘inherit’, background: ‘#ffeb3b52’ }}>4th Task
8Google Analytics Understanding
  1. Why we use
  2. Universal Analytics vs GA4
  3. How to review the statistics like views, events details etc
  4. How to integrate via google Tag Manager
Total Hours142