This document is an overview of the required information that a developer needs to have in order to use WP-CLI in any of the WordPress projects.
WP-CLI is a command line interface which allows the users to manage their WordPress websites from the command prompt. To upgrade and install plugins/themes, to generate backups, new posts can be published and most of the regular admin actions can be performed with a set of commands.
The beauty of the WP-CLI is that it gives us direct control over site. Anything that we do in WordPress admin dashboard can be done using WP-CLI instead.
Installation of WP-CLI
For the most up to date instructions, go to the official documentation.
Project Setup with WP-CLI
- Clone the repo
- Go to json file > Make the following changes to the file:
- wordpress version
- db details: dbuser, host, username, password
- site detail: site url, site title, admin: name, email, password
- Update the plugin version as per requirement in plugin list.
- Run command to install
wp --require=axioned.php setup
Use Cases of WP-CLI
- Manage plugins and themes
- Installing the WordPress software, themes, and/or plugins
- Activating/deactivating/updating themes and plugins
- Resolving conflicts between plugins and themes
- Creating a child theme
- Updating core WordPress via WP CLI
- Quick security check for wordpress core and plugins
- Usage in deployment scripts
- Search and Replace Command
- Create loads of dummy content for testing
- User management via WP CLI
- Creating or managing users, including changing passwords and other user information
- Configuring WP-Cron to run like a real cron via WP CLI for stability
- Test WP Cron spawning system is running properly
- Run, schedule, delete, reschedule posts
- Editing or optimizing your database, such as deleting post revisions
- Generating test data
- Add your own command
- Managing comments
- Custom command in WP-CLI
- DB Migration
- Run commands on the remote server
Creating custom commands in WP CLI
WP-CLI supports registering any callable class, function, or closure as a command. WP_CLI::add_command() is used for both internal and third-party command registration.
The synopsis of a command defines which positional and associative arguments a command accepts. Let’s take a look at the synopsis for wp plugin install:
wp plugin install <plugin|zip|url>... [--version=<version>] [--force] [--activate] [--activate-network]
In this example, <plugin|zip|url>...
is the accepted positional argument. In fact, wp plugin install accepts the same positional argument (the slug, ZIP, or URL of a plugin to install) multiple times. [--version=<version>]
is one of the accepted associative arguments. It’s used to denote the version of the plugin to install. Notice, too, the square brackets around the argument definition; square brackets mean the argument is optional.
WP-CLI also has a series of global arguments which work with all commands. For instance, including —debug means your command execution will display all PHP errors, and add extra verbosity to the WP-CLI bootstrap process.
Using similar approach we have created a script that installs wp, creates db, registers user, installs a plugin - activates and deactivates wp plugins via single command. Below is the script for your reference:
function setup_command() {
// Read the JSON file $json = file_get_contents('axioned.json'); $json_data = json_decode($json, true);
$path = $json_data['path']; $ver = $json_data['version'];
$dbname = $json_data['dbname']; $dbuser = $json_data['dbuser']; $dbpass = $json_data['dbpass']; $dbhost = $json_data['dbhost'];
$site_url = $json_data['site_url']; $title = $json_data['title']; $admin_name = $json_data['admin_name']; $admin_password = $json_data['admin_password']; $admin_email = $json_data['admin_email'];
$pluginListInstall = $json_data['pluginListInstall']; $pluginListUninstall = $json_data['pluginListUninstall'];
$acf_key = $json_data['acf_key']; $axioned_theme = $json_data['axioned_theme'];
WP_CLI::runcommand('core download --path="'.$path.'" --version='.$ver); WP_CLI::runcommand('core config --dbname="'.$dbname.'" --dbuser="'.$dbuser.'" --dbpass="'.$dbpass.'" --dbhost="'.$dbhost.'" --dbprefix=wp_ --path="'.$path.'"'); WP_CLI::runcommand('db create --path="'.$path.'"'); WP_CLI::line("WordPress installation started..."); WP_CLI::runcommand('core install --url="'.$site_url.'" --title="'.$title.'" --admin_name="'.$admin_name.'" --admin_password="'.$admin_password.'" --admin_email="'.$admin_email.'" --path="'.$path.'"'); WP_CLI::runcommand('core verify-checksums --version='.$ver.' --path="'.$path.'"',['exit_error' => false]); WP_CLI::line("Plugin installation started..."); install($pluginListInstall, $path, $acf_key); uninstall($pluginListUninstall, $path); WP_CLI::runcommand('plugin verify-checksums --all --path="'.$path.'"', ['exit_error' => false]); WP_CLI::runcommand('theme install '.$axioned_theme.' --activate --path="'.$path.'"');
WP_CLI::success('Setup Website successfully.');}WP_CLI::add_command('setup', 'setup_command');
function install($pluginList, $path, $acf_key) { $plugCount = count($pluginList); $progress = \WP_CLI\Utils\make_progress_bar('Creating Posts', $plugCount); $options = ['exit_error' => false];
foreach ($pluginList as $plug) { $name = $plug["name"]; $status = ($plug["status"] ? $plug["status"] : ""); $ver = ($plug["version"] ? $plug["version"] : "");
if($name == "acf-pro") { if (file_put_contents('acf-pro.zip', file_get_contents("https://connect.advancedcustomfields.com/index.php?t=$ver&p=pro&a=download&k=$acf_key") ) ) { WP_CLI::line("ACF Pro downloaded successfully."); WP_CLI::runcommand("plugin install ./acf-pro.zip"); unlink("acf-pro.zip"); WP_CLI::runcommand("plugin activate advanced-custom-fields-pro"); } else { WP_CLI::line("ACF Pro downloading failed."); } continue; }
$cli = "plugin install ".$name." ".($status? " --activate ":" ").($ver? "--version=".$ver : " ").' --path="'.$path.'" ';
$progress->tick(); } $progress->finish(); WP_CLI::success($plugCount.' Plugins Installed !!!!');}
function uninstall($pluginList, $path) { $plugCount = count($pluginList); $progress = \WP_CLI\Utils\make_progress_bar('Creating Posts', $plugCount);
WP_CLI::line("Exicution Started.");
foreach ($pluginList as $plug) { $name = $plug["name"];
WP_CLI::runcommand("plugin deactivate ".$name.' --path="'.$path.'" '); WP_CLI::runcommand("plugin uninstall ".$name.' --path="'.$path.'" ');
$progress->tick(); } $progress->finish(); WP_CLI::success($plugCount.' Plugins Uninstalled !!!!');}
Useful commands
Install Wordpress
wp core download # Download core wp files
wp core config --dbname=wpcli_test --dbuser=phpmyadmin --dbpass=root --dbhost=localhost --dbprefix=wp_ # Create config file, change values as necessary
wp db create
wp core install --url=http://localhost/WP-Cli_Testing/wp --title="Your Blog Title" --admin_name=admin --admin_password=admin [email protected] # Install WordPress and setup an admin user, please do change the password
Update WP core
wp core update --version=5.8.4 --force
Reinstall WordPress Core
wp core download --skip-content --force
Change home and site url
wp option update home 'https://example.com'wp option update siteurl 'https://example.com'
Working with plugins
List all plugins
wp plugin list
Install or uninstall a plugin
wp plugin install all-in-one-wp-migrationwp plugin delete all-in-one-wp-migration
Activate or deactivate a plugin
wp plugin activate hellowp plugin deactivate hellowp plugin install all-in-one-wp-migration # Install and activate in a single command
Install specific version
wp plugin install all-in-one-wp-migration --version=7.60
3. Db Migration import, export and search replace
wp db import [<file name>]wp db exportwp search-replace http://example.com http://newexample.com
User Management
Fetching users
wp user listwp user get admin
Create or delete user user
wp user create ndg [email protected] --role=editor --first_name=alfa --last_name=beta --user_pass=adminwp user delete ndg
Manage user capabilities
wp user list-caps ndgwp user add-cap ndg edit_pluginswp user remove-cap ndg edit_plugins
Manage user role
wp user add-role ndg administratorwp user remove-role ndg administrator
Security check
Core files security checks:
wp core verify-checksums --version=$(wp core version)
Plugins security check:
wp plugin verify-checksums --all