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This document is an overview of the required information that a developer needs to have in order to use WP-CLI in any of the WordPress projects.


WP-CLI is a command line interface which allows the users to manage their WordPress websites from the command prompt. To upgrade and install plugins/themes, to generate backups, new posts can be published and most of the regular admin actions can be performed with a set of commands.

The beauty of the WP-CLI is that it gives us direct control over site. Anything that we do in WordPress admin dashboard can be done using WP-CLI instead.

Installation of WP-CLI

For the most up to date instructions, go to the official documentation.

Project Setup with WP-CLI

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Go to json file > Make the following changes to the file:
    • wordpress version
    • db details: dbuser, host, username, password
    • site detail: site url, site title, admin: name, email, password
  3. Update the plugin version as per requirement in plugin list.
  4. Run command to install
Terminal window
wp --require=axioned.php setup

Use Cases of WP-CLI

  • Manage plugins and themes
    • Installing the WordPress software, themes, and/or plugins
    • Activating/deactivating/updating themes and plugins
    • Resolving conflicts between plugins and themes
    • Creating a child theme
    • Updating core WordPress via WP CLI
  • Quick security check for wordpress core and plugins
  • Usage in deployment scripts
    • Search and Replace Command
  • Create loads of dummy content for testing
  • User management via WP CLI
    • Creating or managing users, including changing passwords and other user information
  • Configuring WP-Cron to run like a real cron via WP CLI for stability
    • Test WP Cron spawning system is running properly
    • Run, schedule, delete, reschedule posts
  • Editing or optimizing your database, such as deleting post revisions
  • Generating test data
  • Add your own command
  • Managing comments
  • Custom command in WP-CLI
  • DB Migration
  • Run commands on the remote server

Creating custom commands in WP CLI

WP-CLI supports registering any callable class, function, or closure as a command. WP_CLI::add_command() is used for both internal and third-party command registration.

The synopsis of a command defines which positional and associative arguments a command accepts. Let’s take a look at the synopsis for wp plugin install:

Terminal window
wp plugin install <plugin|zip|url>... [--version=<version>] [--force] [--activate] [--activate-network]

In this example, <plugin|zip|url>... is the accepted positional argument. In fact, wp plugin install accepts the same positional argument (the slug, ZIP, or URL of a plugin to install) multiple times. [--version=<version>] is one of the accepted associative arguments. It’s used to denote the version of the plugin to install. Notice, too, the square brackets around the argument definition; square brackets mean the argument is optional.

WP-CLI also has a series of global arguments which work with all commands. For instance, including —debug means your command execution will display all PHP errors, and add extra verbosity to the WP-CLI bootstrap process.

Using similar approach we have created a script that installs wp, creates db, registers user, installs a plugin - activates and deactivates wp plugins via single command. Below is the script for your reference:

function setup_command() {
// Read the JSON file
$json = file_get_contents('axioned.json');
$json_data = json_decode($json, true);
$path = $json_data['path'];
$ver = $json_data['version'];
$dbname = $json_data['dbname'];
$dbuser = $json_data['dbuser'];
$dbpass = $json_data['dbpass'];
$dbhost = $json_data['dbhost'];
$site_url = $json_data['site_url'];
$title = $json_data['title'];
$admin_name = $json_data['admin_name'];
$admin_password = $json_data['admin_password'];
$admin_email = $json_data['admin_email'];
$pluginListInstall = $json_data['pluginListInstall'];
$pluginListUninstall = $json_data['pluginListUninstall'];
$acf_key = $json_data['acf_key'];
$axioned_theme = $json_data['axioned_theme'];
WP_CLI::runcommand('core download --path="'.$path.'" --version='.$ver);
WP_CLI::runcommand('core config --dbname="'.$dbname.'" --dbuser="'.$dbuser.'" --dbpass="'.$dbpass.'" --dbhost="'.$dbhost.'" --dbprefix=wp_ --path="'.$path.'"');
WP_CLI::runcommand('db create --path="'.$path.'"');
WP_CLI::line("WordPress installation started...");
WP_CLI::runcommand('core install --url="'.$site_url.'" --title="'.$title.'" --admin_name="'.$admin_name.'" --admin_password="'.$admin_password.'" --admin_email="'.$admin_email.'" --path="'.$path.'"');
WP_CLI::runcommand('core verify-checksums --version='.$ver.' --path="'.$path.'"',['exit_error' => false]);
WP_CLI::line("Plugin installation started...");
install($pluginListInstall, $path, $acf_key);
uninstall($pluginListUninstall, $path);
WP_CLI::runcommand('plugin verify-checksums --all --path="'.$path.'"', ['exit_error' => false]);
WP_CLI::runcommand('theme install '.$axioned_theme.' --activate --path="'.$path.'"');
WP_CLI::success('Setup Website successfully.');
WP_CLI::add_command('setup', 'setup_command');
function install($pluginList, $path, $acf_key) {
$plugCount = count($pluginList);
$progress = \WP_CLI\Utils\make_progress_bar('Creating Posts', $plugCount);
$options = ['exit_error' => false];
foreach ($pluginList as $plug) {
$name = $plug["name"];
$status = ($plug["status"] ? $plug["status"] : "");
$ver = ($plug["version"] ? $plug["version"] : "");
if($name == "acf-pro") {
if (file_put_contents('', file_get_contents("$ver&p=pro&a=download&k=$acf_key") ) ) {
WP_CLI::line("ACF Pro downloaded successfully.");
WP_CLI::runcommand("plugin install ./");
WP_CLI::runcommand("plugin activate advanced-custom-fields-pro");
} else {
WP_CLI::line("ACF Pro downloading failed.");
$cli = "plugin install ".$name." ".($status? " --activate ":" ").($ver? "--version=".$ver : " ").' --path="'.$path.'" ';
WP_CLI::success($plugCount.' Plugins Installed !!!!');
function uninstall($pluginList, $path) {
$plugCount = count($pluginList);
$progress = \WP_CLI\Utils\make_progress_bar('Creating Posts', $plugCount);
WP_CLI::line("Exicution Started.");
foreach ($pluginList as $plug) {
$name = $plug["name"];
WP_CLI::runcommand("plugin deactivate ".$name.' --path="'.$path.'" ');
WP_CLI::runcommand("plugin uninstall ".$name.' --path="'.$path.'" ');
WP_CLI::success($plugCount.' Plugins Uninstalled !!!!');

Useful commands

Install Wordpress

Terminal window
wp core download # Download core wp files
wp core config --dbname=wpcli_test --dbuser=phpmyadmin --dbpass=root --dbhost=localhost --dbprefix=wp_ # Create config file, change values as necessary
wp db create
wp core install --url=http://localhost/WP-Cli_Testing/wp --title="Your Blog Title" --admin_name=admin --admin_password=admin [email protected] # Install WordPress and setup an admin user, please do change the password

Update WP core

Terminal window
wp core update --version=5.8.4 --force

Reinstall WordPress Core

Terminal window
wp core download --skip-content --force

Change home and site url

Terminal window
wp option update home ''
wp option update siteurl ''

Working with plugins

List all plugins

Terminal window
wp plugin list

Install or uninstall a plugin

Terminal window
wp plugin install all-in-one-wp-migration
wp plugin delete all-in-one-wp-migration

Activate or deactivate a plugin

Terminal window
wp plugin activate hello
wp plugin deactivate hello
wp plugin install all-in-one-wp-migration # Install and activate in a single command

Install specific version

Terminal window
wp plugin install all-in-one-wp-migration --version=7.60

3. Db Migration import, export and search replace

Terminal window
wp db import [<file name>]
wp db export
wp search-replace

User Management

Fetching users

Terminal window
wp user list
wp user get admin

Create or delete user user

Terminal window
wp user create ndg [email protected] --role=editor --first_name=alfa --last_name=beta --user_pass=admin
wp user delete ndg

Manage user capabilities

Terminal window
wp user list-caps ndg
wp user add-cap ndg edit_plugins
wp user remove-cap ndg edit_plugins

Manage user role

Terminal window
wp user add-role ndg administrator
wp user remove-role ndg administrator

Security check

Core files security checks:

Terminal window
wp core verify-checksums --version=$(wp core version)

Plugins security check:

Terminal window
wp plugin verify-checksums --all

