NodeJS Code Review Checklist
Sr No. | Check | Description |
1 | sync and npm-check to automate the task of identifying insecure and outdated components. | |
2 | Using Async-Await or promises for async error handling | |
3 | Is there a separation between operational vs programmer errors | Operational - (e.g. API received an invalid input) Programmer - (e.g. trying to read undefined variable) |
4 | Are errors handled centrally? Instead of middlewares | |
5 | Removing unwanted dependencies which are not being used in the project. | |
6 | All the commonly used functions should be in utils file of helper folder. | |
7 | Avoid using var, and promote use of let and const. | |
8 | Make sure that sensitive data are saved on .env files and are used from that on projects. | |
9 | Input validation | Check for correct input |
10 | Use of HELMET package middleware to avoid common security issues in the app | |
11 | Error messages should be generic. | |
12 | Using bcrpyt module for storing passwords securely | |
13 | Using and configuring PM2 so that if any failure occur it get restarted automatically | |
14 | Always enable monitoring and logging for the node app in case where we want to debug the application on failure | |
15 | Rate limiting the end points. | |
16 | Try to make the code more functional. (Use of modular styling of code) | |
17 | DB connections & file operation like streaming should be properly closed. | |
18 | If using multiple DB queries/calls within a block of code which are independent of each other then they can be wrapped in Promise.all | |
19 | Proper commenting should be followed for each and every API | |
20 | Make sure DB queries uses indexes for maximize performance. | |
21 | Before using any third party packages make sure it is frequently updated and developer support is also there. | |
22 | Code indentation by using Prettier or Beautify. | |
23 | Schedule a good backup strategy for your production DB in any chance of failure | |
24 | While using $unwind stage make sure to enable option preserveNullAndEmptyArrays so that any document with empty array doesn’t get skip. | |
25 | Use explain stage while writing big queries to see how well the query is performing | |
26 | Use of $match, $limit & $skip can filter out most of the documents if used on a early pipeline stage. | For detailed aggregation pipeline optimization, you can refer here. |